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make your business online




While everyone is physically locked inside their homes in reality everyone is exploring the world unlike ever before with just the tips of their own fingers or the little device that sits in the palm of most hands… say hello to the world of Internet and digital revolution. Every one is online. 

We are all evolving at a much faster pace than we could have ever imagined otherwise especially in this time. This Covid pandemic has led to a total chaos in the world it is true and out of this very chaos will birth the new era of a world which none of us can truly imagine. Guess universes were also built the same way!! Who knows but we are seeing one happening right here in front of our very own eyes at the moment!


Suddenly the world as we knew has changed, all our priorities too, we have new disciplines now, we have seen life more closely than we did while we were “busy” with our pre-covid phase of existence, while on surface we are disconnected with people physically, we are actually connecting unlike ever before, we have more friends added to our social platforms, we have had more tele-conversations or zoom calls, we have more chats, we know more about each other, we have made more home made videos, we have experimented and come up with newer ideas to engage with each other, we are finding ways to potentially have more passive income sources or unleash our own small medium big ideas that we have always postponed on excuse of fulfilling other necessary duties, no time, important jobs etc all this while. We are now forced to think out of box, as humans, we are by nature creative and every adversity can be a birthplace for this true creativity to birth!


“Social distancing has actually led to dissolve all social media boundaries and is bringing everyone closer”


This new digital / technologically advanced era that we have all reluctantly entered into in 2020 none of us fully know what it really holds, how to deal with it, what opportunities lie hidden in it, what pitfalls await us… yet we are all in it, like it or not! A great unknown at this point in time grips us, most have entered with fear but some of us are also curious and open to new adventures and revelations of what this mysterious time could have for us. We all need to now ask – What matters, what matters most to you? that’s the only question we all need to ask be it any aspect of your life career, health, finance, relations, growth, education, business etc and the solutions will follow as they are often hidden within the right question itself.


India as a country has a very high rate of home grown businesses, entrepreneurs due to the family run ancestral or blood line businesses, mom and pop stores and societal conditionings that are still very rooted in our upbringing. In this period of Covid lock down and the parallel shift from offline to online world we are now sitting at the brink and at the forefront of major break through where we can truly grow at an exponential rate if we join the tide! Thus far our reach was limited to our vicinities, cities or social and family circles but given the current circumstance most of us are challenged to think beyond the regular means and sources, we are being asked to step up our games, learn new ways and drop all limitations that stopped us thus far and pushing us to go beyond our comfort zones and out of our cozy cocoons. Suddenly the whole world has become an audience / customer / potential. It truly is time now to participate in this big Digital Revolution. Its like the big tidal wave is here, we can either join in and learn to surf with it or get dizzy and be drowned in it and the good news is we don’t even need to know how to surf as all the tools are easily available for the ones willing to survive and thrive.


We are receiving and serving more and more queries on daily basis in thee past few months on how small business ideas can be taken on the worldwide online platforms, how homemade or handmade items could set up shops online easily and convert into higher sales with greater outreach, how personal individual talents or arts can be shared with the world to either just entertain or make money or to create a new identity or image for people, how to efficiently use social platforms or existing websites to gain more traction and traffic and convert these passive online estates into income generating sources, what are the ways to make money online using what already is, how to use key digital tools to drive higher sales or leads or conversions, how to engage people with relevant information or content thereby educating them and building a loyal base of followers for the businesses people run… and this is barely just the surface of the iceberg there is just soo much “new” coming each day, the potential is untapped and sitting for the curious and adventurous amongst us to explore.


“Covid lock down period is helping 1000’s of young and dynamic entrepreneurs take their business ideas online are you one of them too?”


Everyone wants money, money is with people, and people only buy from people who they like or who have something meaningful to add to their life in addition to offering VFM (value for money) goods or services. Today billions of people are online and connected unlike ever before, engaging, conversing, transacting, bartering, serving, trading, learning, creating and so much more, if this is not an opportunity we don’t know what else is.

We are a full service digital agency based out of india/us/uk/ canada gladly serving the global markets with over 20000+  absolutely amazing clients in many parts of the world including India, Europe, USA, Canada, Autralia, London for over 11 years.


In this time of Covid lockdown we have been working more hours than we did ever before. We are here to not just to serve our clients but also to help millions others in every way we can, people who are looking for right sources to guide them take their business, talent, ideas, stores online, people who need help to set up highly engaging marketing campaigns, conversations, conversions to reach potential consumers with most relevant offerings, people who need someone to build really dynamic websites or online presence to showcase themselves or their business or people who would like to use the various sophisticated tools of the digital world to drive more traction, traffic and attention from most appropriate audience or customer to their service/ product / whatever they have to offer and also if people need general suggestions or brain storm sessions to just get a know how of what all is possible, we are here to help in anyway we can and create something interesting with you.


Not a technological wizard? No problem! We manage all the systems for you.

No know how of web design and management? No problem! We will come up with multiple options and ideas for you

Don’t know anything about SEO / KEYWORDS / META DATA / No problem! We will take all the guess work out of seo/ keywords and all digital jargons for you

No experience with copywriting? No problem! We can manage/write/create content for you.

Don’t know if you need Organic or Paid or both promotions? No problem! We will understand your needs and draw up the best cost effective solutions for you


We all know how to search thanks to the search generation that we have all grown up to be but the master key today is to “be FOUND” do we know how to be found? We can have brilliant ideas but if they don’t see light of day they die or we can have amazing products at insane prices or offers but if we cant reach the right target audience who needs and are looking for these very things then we’d term ourselves failure without even fully trying. Business without right digital marketing today is like winking at someone in the dark hoping to be noticed, only you know what you are doing and nobody else!! Back in initial days of Internet it was much simpler to be found if you did a few things right but today with more and more complex algorithms, programs, codes and the sheer expansion that this worldwideweb has had it has become a highly skilled task (more like a specialist surgeon).


Here are some questions we can definitely help you with:  

  • How to take your business ONLINE?
  • How to have an engaging website or enhance your online presence?
  • How to set up your own online shop and start selling?
  • How to make money using your own existing website?
    How to use your talent / art to create your own new digital identity?
  • How digital marketing is a MUST for every business now more than ever before?
  • How to drive traffic and traction to your websites organically and influentially?
  • How to get “Found” online?



All of us individually may be good at one thing or few things but none of us are good at everything and we all need the right set of people and teams to drive our ideas and our aims for us or our businesses to the success we wish to achieve. Today everything is possible as right tools, people, techniques and teams all are available and willing to chip in with their own expertise and co-create something greater together. As a specialist digital agency we would be thrilled to hear about your ideas, talents, ventures and what is it that matters to you in this time, what you wish to create or achieve, where do you seek support or value additions and together we could get to your aim, walking along side you, we promise we will take care of few things on your digital task’s list for sure if not more.


Basis some common queries we are serving lately we have been inspired to create few ready to go, easy to pick packages that address certain specific needs which we have clubbed into pockets to offer custom solutions, you can check them here:



Or if you would like to pick and choose or to customize something for you specifically then feel free to reach us on

We look forward to some interesting conversations with you.


For more information on what we do you can check our services on :

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